Wada Fuji Himiko is a 20-year-old tradesperson's assistant who enjoys hockey, repressing minorities and eating out. She is kind and suggestive, but can also be very kinky and a bit horny.
She is Japanese who defines herself as straight. She finished school and then left academia. She has phobias of spiders and cats, and is obsessed with zombies.
Physically, Wada is in pretty good shape. She is very tall with pale skin, grey hair and brown eyes.
She grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. She was raised by her mother, her father having left when she was young.
She is currently single. Her most recent romance was with a doctor called Floyd Isaac Rivera, who was 6 years older than her. They broke up because Floyd wanted to be with somebody more vibrant.
Wada's best friend is a tradesperson's assistant called Eileen Johnston. They are inseparable. She also hangs around with Casey Martin and Claire Knight. They enjoy social card games together.