Recent content by Rock_blocks

  1. Rock_blocks

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 96 - Mahiro and a Token of Appreciation

    We haven't had a piss chapter in a while. I'm preparing for the day it inevitably comes. :notlikethis:
  2. Rock_blocks

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 92.5 - Asahi and Growth

    At this moment asahi gained a second brain cell
  3. Rock_blocks

    My Wife Is From a Thousand Years Ago - Ch. 321

    Am I the only one too stupid to get the earlier by one joke. I get that it has to do with them having twins but I don't get it :slap::questionblob:
  4. Rock_blocks

    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 183 - SCP-1440

    Sounds... familiar
  5. Rock_blocks

    Katabutsu-kei Joshi ni Kokuhaku shitemita - Ch. 31 - I took a peek at my straight-laced girlfriend's club activities 2

    I stand by what I said, I want to see our mc put that playboy in his place! I regret nothing
  6. Rock_blocks

    Oreimo - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

    Oh no my clothes suddenly fell of from falling over for no reason other than to probably get caught next chapter for a joke.
  7. Rock_blocks

    Katabutsu-kei Joshi ni Kokuhaku shitemita - Ch. 31 - I took a peek at my straight-laced girlfriend's club activities 2

    This is gonna sound weird, but I hope that perv of a coach doesn't back off, so our boy gets his time to be a:chad: and put him in his place
  8. Rock_blocks

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 94 - Mahiro and the New School Year, Once Again

    Pg 8 yuri pooout Also since when was having fun banned in school (piggy back rides)
  9. Rock_blocks

    Prunus Girl - Vol. 6 Ch. 35 - The Reason Aikawa Started?

    Speak for yourself :smugchisato::smugnako:
  10. Rock_blocks

    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 181 - SCP-1500

    Oh no I already know this comment section is going to be a political hellscape :meguuusad::qq:
  11. Rock_blocks

    Prunus Girl - Vol. 5 Ch. 32 - Midorinohka's Alumni's Histories?

    I had a vibe that those two are having "say gex" but I suppose the pushing down conformed it.
  12. Rock_blocks

    Keikenzumi na Kimi to, Keiken Zero na Ore ga, Otsukiai Suru Hanashi - Vol. 7 Ch. 30

    No random issues appearing, no cliff hangers, just pure wholesomeness, peak!!
  13. Rock_blocks

    Quest Supremacy - Ch. 161

    Wow he is really bad to the bone
  14. Rock_blocks

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 93 - Mahiro and a Special Treat

    Mahiro with the boys, are my favourite chapters, glad to see more.