Recent content by Sandpaper

  1. Sandpaper

    Remarried Empress - Vol. 1 Ch. 63

    Finally 🙏🙏🙏
  2. Sandpaper

    Today Living With You - Ch. 25

    ...bruh she legit just invited herself over lmfao
  3. Sandpaper

    Ryuuma no Gagou - Vol. 4 Ch. 19

    Thanks for the update!!
  4. Sandpaper

    The Violence Action - Vol. 6 Ch. 16.5

    Thanks for the update!!
  5. Sandpaper

    Caught by the Villain - Vol. 1 Ch. 41

    Holy shit noooooo But also like why would you drink from something your opponent has put on the table
  6. Sandpaper

    Caught by the Villain - Vol. 1 Ch. 39

    Holyyyyy I'm hyped for this duel now
  7. Sandpaper

    Mosspaca Advertising Department - Ch. 45

    Kim Jung Gi what a legend! Highly suggest looking his live art shows because they are amazing! Thanks for the update~
  8. Sandpaper

    A Capable Maid - Ch. 47

    Yall...she only asked for freedom. He interpreted that as the freedom from her pow/slave status so he gave her title, which not only grants her social autonomy (stable income, court authority, marriage options etc.), but it keeps her in a position where it isn't likely that she'd return back to...
  9. Sandpaper

    Today Living With You - Ch. 20

    Mate. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Honestly, both Dohee and Hyeseul should ditch the kid lol
  10. Sandpaper


    Yikes are you guys okay there 😂
  11. Sandpaper

    Eikoku Monogatari Shunka torikae Shou - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

    Thanks for the update!!