Recent content by shimatoKies

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    Fantasista - Vol. 25 Ch. 222 - Final Chapter - End

    Fantasista Done! also uploaded first chapter of Fantasista Stella if any scanlation group wants to pick Fantasista Stella they are welcome to do so
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    Fantasista - Vol. 25 Ch. 218 - Far Above The Peak 2

    4 more chapters to go before the end of this series. will do some chapters of Fantasista Stella after but not all. anyone wants to help translate/typeset Fantasista Stella please let me know. if any scanlation group wants to pick it up then that is fine as well
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    Fantasista - Vol. 23 Ch. 196 - I Am

    Re-uploaded because found better RAWs. Thanks to @DrtLckd for the RAWs and Typesetting.
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    Fantasista - Vol. 22 Ch. 194 - Is This The End

    can anyone help typeset the rest of the chapters? i have the translation and typeset next chapter but there are grammar mistakes and sentence context needs to be fixed. if anyone wants to help let me know Thanks
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    Fantasista - Vol. 22 Ch. 193 - Instant Kill

    Hi Guys, volume 23 chapters are scanned double pages so if someone can help clean the chapters please reach out. need help with cleaning and cropping double pages if possible.