Reason: Group active and user locked but two chapters missing from previous uploads in series. Group not responding to forum requests to correct error.
Title: Isekai Yakkyoku
Language: English
Chapters: 33, 34...
We absolutely apprecaite the work you've been doing. Sincerely, thank you and feel free to reach out for help if you need some as the community will do the best we can.
I honestly have no idea where this chapter came from and it frustrates me, I don't think it was Yuri but if anyone can find the group that would be appreciated.
@Pokari It is admittedly a work in progress. You can make a form post if you have a solid solution so that it can be reviewed. Zeph will likely take it into consideration as the staff is fairly good at accommodating even if it's not always seen.
@shamil11 We actually did have a winner. I'll be updating the series in the next few hours. I hadn't thought to try honestly. They might have more chapters missing so if anything additionally is missing it would be a good lead to pursue. Thanks you for looking though.