Why are all those scars on her arms, and not a single scar on her face or hands? I mean, it's good she protects her head, but is that how she blocks blades? It's amazing she still has arms. Some of those scars are practically in her armpits; that should be pretty rare to get a scar there. Seeing...
I imagine a potion bottle in the shape of a gaming laptop. Whenever <Ctrl> + <Scroll Lock> is pressed, a serving phial is dispensed with the magical effect that when you pour it over the laptop, it provides an ultra-high speed connection to the internet.
Naturally, the phials refill when...
"I bet he'd be a great ruler in my steed..."
I picture him as the front end of a horse costume wearing a crown and with a scepter strapped to his side. His dad is the back end of the horse, carrying around the empress.
"Completely defenseless sleeping posture?" Now I want to know what a defensive sleeping posture looks like. I'm imagining something like someone sleeping while in the crane pose from Kung Fu.
Did anyone translate the novel? I'm having trouble finding it on novelupdates, but that could as easily be because of the ridiculous name, as because it wasn't translated.
@PhoenixStriker5251 Hey Phoenix, I'm just tagging you because it seemed like you knew something more about the plot and...