
"Be cool to one another!"
"Let's focus on affordable,efficient, renewable energy~"
or if you'd like that put more simply...

We should get people to ask "Are our leaders helping the poor get renewable tech, independence & wealth? Or are they ALL only enriching themselves, with 15 million tax-payer cash on the side* to silence their adultery/rape victims?" (see If you’re still living one paycheck away from homelessness after your leaders are done in office there’s your answer! ILLEGALIZE corporate cash/lobbyists, illegalize high government leader wages & illegalize political parties! To solve endless campaign financing that occurs instead of legislation, get rid of campaign financing ALL together by having our system auto-vote for the most ACCOMPLISHED humanitarian leaders whose hard work or inventions are *freeing* poor people across the WORLD through affordable & efficient renewable energy or food means!
We may lose all ability to communicate uncensored about this though and have to resort to what the government fears most: private citizen owned and operated, autonomous, parallel economy, grocery-delivery solar-security-drones that also beam & relay free mesh-network internet, GPS and phone for us.

Every one of us having to own at LEAST one or two of them, and using augmented reality drone-building videos that come with them to keep building more so we don’t lose our network from constant attacks? It would create a *parallel economy* which in turn would allow for the MOST liberty-respecting civil-war ever, if removing corruption by any means necessary with a community who upholds the most important shared values EVER: illegalizing corporate-cash-lobbyists and overpaid government leader salaries instead of porn, and only voting in the most accomplished humanitarians as leaders!