now this is how u succesfully bring in people with the mystery and follow through on the reveal, ive seen so many manga fuck it up, this was truly done well
@AkaneApples @ChibKip, im not illiterate i read the chapter through and through, its just my opinion just like you have yours, theyre just commoners trying to earn a living by any means neccesary even if the end result is a nobles embaressment
HELL YEAH, i saw on instagram on a news account i follow that this got serialized finally, theres also a couple of other novel----->manwha adaptations coming this march so im excited
well that was a bit fast but i dont mind it at all since theres no dull mistunderstanding situation chapters like other manga do for relationships, that type always frustrates me so a clear relationship like this one is refreshing and a nice change of pace
so from what i can tell Ezekial had to leave the kingdom for some reason and only knows the FLs fake name and is trying to look for her, shes also trying to look for him(though i dont know if its to kill him for abandoning her or to find the person she loves) and he just so happens to be sold...
FUCKING CLIFFHANGERS, why japan whyyyyyy, release chapters in wholes not parterssssssssssss(though i understand, since doing a whole 40 page manga chapter nowadays is not the norm anymore)