Recent content by ToastmanJack

  1. ToastmanJack


    this is just stolen wild fang scans with a watermark
  2. ToastmanJack

    Baki-Dou (2013) - Vol. 22 Ch. 198 - Nomi-No-Sukune

    I mean hey Sumo is pretty cool amirite gamers
  3. ToastmanJack

    Baki-Dou (2013) - Vol. 21 Ch. 186 - Close-Quarters

    Yea we have scripts ready for everything just need to touch things up here and there
  4. ToastmanJack

    Akagi: The Genius Who Fell Into Darkness - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Change

    Incredible work, great to see early Akagi have decent scans, I just wanna note Page 11 seems to be the page from the old scanlation for some reason.
  5. ToastmanJack

    D•N•Angel• - Vol. 15 Ch. 71

    thanks for uploading the rest of DN Angel, I always meant to put up the rest but I never found the raws.
  6. ToastmanJack

    Shoujo Sense

    another one bites the dust
  7. ToastmanJack


    Looks like Ichido is ban evading
  8. ToastmanJack


    Uhhh, I already replaced my uploads with the updated chapters so this is redundant
  9. ToastmanJack


  10. ToastmanJack

    Baki Dou (2018)

    We really aren't, we're doing pretty well for ourselves these days.