Recent content by Tomas28

  1. T

    Love Comedy Hero & the Princess of Darkness - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - The Hero and the Big Four

  2. T

    Half Succubus wo Hirotta - Ch. 38

    Me mató con esa línea, 'toy explotando de amor
  3. T

    Half Succubus wo Hirotta - Ch. 17.1

    Ahh, ahí me di cuenta al ver el siguiente capitulo, son las mitades humana y sucubo peleando por decidir que hacer con Chacha.
  4. T

    Half Succubus wo Hirotta - Ch. 15

    Nononono, la historia se estaba poniendo tierna. :meguuusad:
  5. T

    Half Succubus wo Hirotta - Ch. 11

    Este capitulo estuvo tierno, estaría re preocupado si de repente tuviera que criar una hija que me dejaron, me pondría a buscar todo lo posible sobre desarrollo de los niños y ver si ya tiene o no que ir a la escuela. En su caso particular me preocuparía la xenofobia y el acoso por parte de los...
  6. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 78

    It makes sense to do an on-site inspection, the plaintiff's side wasn't allowed to inspect the factory nor take a look at the documents because the company claimed it would disclose trade secrets, but on that data depends the veredict of the judge, and even though the defendant claims the number...
  7. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 67

    I don't believe the super prosecutor Park Chul-Woo can be killed by a truck, we already saw him bending a gun and ripping off a cars door. The truck would need to explode to send him to the hospital.
  8. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 60

    So here's where all the filth was piling up.
  9. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 50

    At least it seems she is not too prideful to take an opportunity that is thrown at her feet.
  10. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 43

    Man, the chief is so tall in those last panels, his head pops through the door frame's window.
  11. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 40

    Super prosecutor attacks again, other than getting up after being buried in cabage boxes he ripped a car door from it's hinges with an arm.
  12. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 39

    I mean, remember when he punched a solid wall and left a crater? Or when he caught up to a parkour stalker? Or when he beat up a whole gang off camera? This is the super prosecutor, I think he can deal with them.
  13. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 37

    This wittness deserves an award, he came in clutch when the case was going astray.
  14. T

    Judge Lee Han Young - Ch. 34

    If this is a deal the judge made with her, then it's an amazing deal. I don't think the other judge is corrupt yet, he just has connections and a past.