Recent content by uncre4tive

  1. uncre4tive

    Burning Kabaddi - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - The Strong, The Weak, And Victory

    me when the guy that until recently spent every day indoors doing nothing is weaker than when he was actively playing a sport
  2. uncre4tive

    One Piece Academy - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Extracurriculars

    lmao this is dumb, I like it
  3. uncre4tive

    Holiday Yasumi's Twitter Shorts - Ch. 39 - This Mecha-brat...! 💢

    bro please touch grass bc I'm legit concerned for you after reading that
  4. uncre4tive

    I Love Amy - Ch. 37 - Sleeping with the Enemy

    bibi actually learning other people's names is wild
  5. uncre4tive

    Atashi No! - Vol. 2 Ch. 5 - Battle 5

    need this stuff injected straight into my veins fr
  6. uncre4tive

    My Food Looks Very Cute - Ch. 132 - Testing

    that illustration 🥺
  7. uncre4tive

    Otaloli Dragon! Baha Muko-sensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    shoutout jewish dragon mangaka ig
  8. uncre4tive

    Buddha Cafe - Ch. 360 - One More Fellow Traveler

    I need a blob yuri plushie or smth