Recent content by wallface

  1. W

    Shibito no Koe wo Kiku ga Yoi

    this is fun ride hope next good series from the author and thanks for translator team too o/
  2. W

    Yuugai Shitei Doukyuusei

    nooooo dont end please :(
  3. W

    Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi

    my new favourite manga
  4. W


    nice chapter
  5. W

    Shiawase Kanako no Koroshiya Seikatsu

    dude i just want to laugh
  6. W

    Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!!

    now im curious how this story will turn out and thanks for translator team for explanation o/
  7. W

    Maou no Hisho

    ch 9 best chapter hope author is alright so this manga can get out of hiatus o/
  8. W

    Gokudo Parasites

    this is good
  9. W

    Yuugai Shitei Doukyuusei

    this is the last volume, nooooooo :(
  10. W

    Furyou Taimashi Reina

    poor ghost :(
  11. W

    Ane Naru Mono

    god please just give them happy ending already
  12. W

    Senryuu Shoujo

    big thanks for translator team !!
  13. W

    Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!!

    why u torture me like this