Recent content by Yell0wYoshi

  1. Yell0wYoshi

    Kimi to Picopico (Pre-Serialization) - Oneshot

    Yuzuchiri's done it again. I really hope this gets serialized sometime.
  2. Yell0wYoshi

    Love is Still Too Early for Himeno-chan - Vol. 7 Ch. 58

    As one DGR Dave once said, "Progress City!"
  3. Yell0wYoshi

    Twin Yuri

    As good as this is, the other version is at least fleshing out their characters BEFORE (hopefully) getting to the good stuff😁
  4. Yell0wYoshi

    Pocha Climb!

    I am quite disappointed that such a cute series ended so soon, but according to some of the other comments there's something more, so hopefully we get to enjoy it soon.
  5. Yell0wYoshi

    Transistor Teaset

    Kinda slow at times, but there's this fun, classic feeling I get from reading it. I Like it!
  6. Yell0wYoshi

    Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters

    Hachiko is so good at making really simple, super-cute yuri manga. I do hope there's more development in the story soon, even though it would make the title a bit of a lie.
  7. Yell0wYoshi

    I Want to Listen to xx

    Short, kinda stupid, but an A+ regardless. Konbu Wakame sensei delivers again.
  8. Yell0wYoshi

    Hino-san no Baka

    I really hope this gets an anime sometime so more people can love this series.
  9. Yell0wYoshi


    I also would like further information on this title. I'm a fan of Kodama's works, and judging by the cover alone, the characters look interesting, and I'm quite curious to read it.
  10. Yell0wYoshi


    I would honestly read more of this.
  11. Yell0wYoshi

    Mutant Turtles Gaiden

    Good art, good characterization, good stories, super cute April, the only complaint one could find in this is that is is so short.
  12. Yell0wYoshi

    Super Turtles

    I liked it. It took the classic characters from the 80's cartoon, and mixed in a hefty dose of sentai superhero team stuff, and the formula made for a few well written stories. It is most certainly over the top, but that's what sentai shows are. And the super cute fairy helps a lot too.