I'm just afraid of something... that what if he can not tell she is the same woman from 3 years ago (we know he doesn't know.)and because of that she feels heart-broken and yet still don't tell anything ... 🤯😳🥺
Who do you think you are, sir? She isn't the pope anymore, so what's the problem? WHAT?
Thank you for the update 🤍🤍🤍
Show us the proof my lady 🤩🤩🤩
I love this girl so much 🥰
Thank you so much for the update, I was scrolling up and down through the site and then I saw this episode came. When I saw the update, I directly clapped from happiness lol, thank you again 🤍
Hope it became an answer for your question. [not spoiler but someone can report it as a spoiler (It has happened to me before.) so I put the tag.]
Please tell him! Lol :Dd
Thank you so much for the update <33