I guess you could call this a light taste of how some of the more casual chapters of the novel are written :thonk:
But trust me, the writing gets much more intense when things get serious, if anyone wants to check out the web novel fantranslation, here it is. :huh:
Yuri girls are always great, but honestly, if you want more volumes you needed to add a bit more drama and personality into them, aside from them liking each other, it goes a long way. :pepehmm:
If you dont want to do ecchi yuri or toxic yuri, there are still some options left, but its more...
Its gonna get even heavier from now on ... in more ways than one. :huh:
I cant get enough of them, like I said in my ch1 comment, best yuri story period, and we are not even at the good part yet. :02:
Miyagi sees gal and wants to ruin her (but not really), Sendai sees a girlfailure and starts...