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  • if someone wish to be the part of the project , then he/she can contact me (Napolean) on discord of the
    I know you might be unsure about a random person claiming to be visionary, i can't prove like this but if you are interested then contact on discord , we will discuss and get to know and then only i am gonna ask for the funds !
    I have an idea which can literally claim that "You can earn while just reading" .....
    everything is in place except the hiring of developers...
    I am not a business or salesman but i have the vision which can actually make the thing mentioned above possible,"you can earn while reading and more stuffs" ....
    But the initial cost is high in this project ....
    Min. 5Grand , i can take 1Grand loan from a loan shark but dont have any about the remaining!
    I carry small dreams but a powerful ones! SO anyone reading this and have colleagues who are rich enough to throw money here and there , then suggest us!
    I might have said many things in my flow but i guess when it comes to keyboard i cant stop my fingers from writing my mind~
    Thanks and Love you all!
    And ask me why i always begging for support? My answer is clear, i am not here to run a charity! although doing this stuff is my hobby and passion but at the end of day world is cruel and wont accept your passsion easily and i am in that phase where i dont have the luxury of following passion but i am taking out my time and hoping that a rich Sheikh will like my work and support me on Sheikh style~
    We just ventured a new comic and this is one of the most detailed-art manhua i have ever seen
    It just too amazing to work with. TITLE: LIFE DIVE
    Just started a new hope to spread new content to bored people and in secretly wishing for monetary support!
    Maybe a kind soul will appreciate my work and will try to uplift me by supporting me!
    Oh! kind soul where are you,
    i have spent eternity looking for you..
    I don't know anything about my future
    I am just sailing a boat which is taking me somewhere i don't know about
    same bro :qq:
    No ones knows about it's own future man...
    Everyone is just sailing their own boat on the vast of ocean called Life.
    Even if we can look at the horizon,
    Even if we can see other boats passing by,
    We can't predict what the ocean will bring to us.
    Whenever it's good or bad.
    We all hope that the ocean will give us a good thing.
    So, stay still on your boat.
    isn't it better than way
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