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  1. Keepricorn

    Lady Chef Royale - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Loveeeeeee. Hehehe❤️
  2. Keepricorn

    Genius Monster of the Century - Prologue

    @anifd nono thank you for telling me <3
  3. Keepricorn

    Genius Monster of the Century - Prologue

    Ayeee. @Xirre I think me using a diff raws cause it says epilogue here: (me TLing from thai raws cause me japon is horrible and Korean is even worse TT). And arigachu to @anifd, will change it in next chappie <3 (อีรูริ litterally...
  4. Keepricorn

    Genius Monster of the Century - Prologue

    Oop. Ayeeee. It said epilogue on the raws so I didn't know what to do. Arigachu for telling me 💖
  5. Keepricorn

    Request for group takeover 2.0

    My Group: (ID: 12808) My Profile: (ID: 1007624)