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  1. S

    Misaki-kun wa Kouryaku Chara Janai - Vol. 1 Ch. 8 - There's No Rest On A Gal-Game Off Day

    well if I read it correct if by graduation he doesn't get with a heroine it returns back to the beginning so I feel like its fine for Misaki to want Hareta to suck it up and get with one of the girls From my understanding theres honestly nothing stopping him from breaking up and bromancing...
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    Mitsuba Monogatari - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Mitsuba's Engraving

    also the one about eating a death god
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    Mitsuba Monogatari - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Mitsuba's Engraving

    hostages are people you take to get leverage over someone you can't easily beat she's not taking hostages, she's going to just inflict psychological torment before killing him
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    Mitsuba Monogatari - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Mitsuba's Engraving

    holy fuck the last page is scary asf
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    Mitsuba Monogatari - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - May God Guide You

    I was thinking the smell was one of her abilities but no, she was just smelling the zaza
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    Mitsuba Monogatari - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - May God Guide You

    the cult of the super zaza
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    Kyoudai hodo Chikaku Tooimono wa Nai - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - Why She's Called Dust

    no fuckin way bro's name is literally Bro...
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    Kyoudai hodo Chikaku Tooimono wa Nai - Vol. 1 Ch. 8 - Little Bro's only Friend, the one Known as Dust

    I don't know if its better because atleast she's not directly related to him or worse because... yeah...
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    Color Change - Ch. 8 - Nijimi-san's Secret

    imagine just making water that makes people depressed lmfao
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    Tottemo Yasashii Amae-chan! - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    bro was built like some kind of horror game creature
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    Classmate no Moto Idol ga, Tonikaku Kyodou Fushin Nan desu - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - I need some advice.

    lmfao both of them are thinking "Damn, bro's dense as hell" lmfao
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    Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu - Vol. 4 Ch. 47

    there is no right way, but there definitely is a wrong way and that's it
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    Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu - Vol. 2 Ch. 23

    lmfao all three of them are targetted by girls but their bromance is too strong
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    Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 15

    the bromance is unstoppable
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    Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    this is extremely relatable but it still pisses me off lol
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    Shuumatsu no Hanayome-sama ~sweet home†melty life~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    "lets not overdo it" proceeds to fucking carpet bomb the area