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  1. djamel90

    Tonari no Furi-san ga Tonikaku Kowai - Vol. 5 Ch. 42 - Final Chapter

    I was curious about the ending before so i read the raws and i remember there were extras with them having kids and such... anyway thanks for translations
  2. djamel90

    Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru - Vol. 5 Ch. 31

    good character development as long as she reflect upon her shitty behavior in beginning of the manga
  3. djamel90

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 6 Ch. 130 - First Steps

    meh ending after great start... reminds me of 5toubun or something like that
  4. djamel90

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 6 Ch. 129 - Promise

    glad its ending soon cuz since this drama begin its been meh at best
  5. djamel90

    Meika-san wa Oshikorosenai - Vol. 2 Ch. 24 - Meika-san and Behaving Recklessly

    no wonder the other group didn't wanna translate this shit cliché chapters
  6. djamel90

    Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 11 Ch. 90 - Watching through Mommy's eyes

    @OSIDJ yea something like that. Author did narrate how sei interact with other people in previous chapters and he wasn't shown as creepy as this chapter or even hint. that's why I think author failed to express it IF he wants to make him bad guy
  7. djamel90

    Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 11 Ch. 90 - Watching through Mommy's eyes

    did the author draw a new character or what? because we've seen sei interact with other characters that was just fine and he never showed those symptoms that this author suddenly implanted in him. idk whats the plot in here anymore but if the author decided to draw MC as bad guy then he did...
  8. djamel90

    Nega-kun and Posi-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 31.5

    thanks and good luck its great manga idk why they stopped translating it
  9. djamel90

    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 7 Ch. 87 - The 87th move

    @TheMarksman look it up its same author no wonder he likes to drag the plot of his manga
  10. djamel90

    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 7 Ch. 87 - The 87th move

    almost 90 chapter and her heart still isnt ready. this manga gonna get dragged to 300+ ch
  11. djamel90

    Meika-san wa Oshikorosenai - Vol. 4 Ch. 43 - Meika-san and Festival Love

    all this side characters are more interesting than this one dimension boring FMC
  12. djamel90

    Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 7 Ch. 56 - Cornered and Desperate

    this girl is way too retard
  13. djamel90

    Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy - Vol. 3 Ch. 11

    yea i hope the girl who rejected him never get another chance, just make her a filler for this manga
  14. djamel90

    Meika-san wa Oshikorosenai - Vol. 4 Ch. 41 - Meika-san and Someone She Likes

    this new girl is way better than hardcore tsunder fmc actually any girl that took interest in MC are better than her
  15. djamel90

    Ichizu Bitch-Chan (Web) - Ch. 35

    meh the cliche misunderstanding
  16. djamel90

    Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai - Vol. 16 Ch. 81.6 - Twitter Bonus Art Collection

    one of my top 5 manga of all time.. really best SOL manga out there IMO
  17. djamel90

    Sousou no Frieren

    damn, this manga is great no wonder it has the highest rate here. highly recommended 10/10 @vodkavodka a nobody claiming your rating is objective gtfo...