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  1. Aliamus

    Tensei Shitara Suterareta ga, Hirowarete Tanoshiku Ikiteimasu - Ch. 10

    Operation "Sleeping Dragon" IS A GO!
  2. Aliamus

    Ossan Teihen Chiyu-shi to Manasume no Henkyou Life - Vol. 9 Ch. 41

    One can understand, even empathize with her, if we think about it from her perspective, You finally have the funds to try and get your daughter back, only to find that a assassin organization has her, and then find her just walking around town, with a strange couple in tow... Still going at it...
  3. Aliamus

    Seikatsu Mahoutsukai no Gekokujou - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - Dismissal Notice

    Me imagining the shit storm on next chapters:
  4. Aliamus

    Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Shizoku Kaigi-hen - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - The Master Clans Conference (1)

    "So, about that marriage." "Saegusa-san, it would be a shame to see one of the ten master clans disappear."
  5. Aliamus

    Rikai no Aru Karen-chan - Ch. 171

    I don't kink shame, but I'll never understand how feet are a fetish.
  6. Aliamus

    Your shut-in/NEET experience

    Hum, by that definition, I guess soo, but personally I would say no.
  7. Aliamus

    Rikai no Aru Karen-chan - Ch. 170

    OMG, it's the female pervert that all those mangas warned us about!!!
  8. Aliamus

    Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei - Ch. 32.1

    The MC this chapter: The King next chapter:
  9. Aliamus

    Managing a Wild Idol - Ch. 19

    Crisis adverted, reset the clock to Defcon 5 people.
  10. Aliamus

    Rikai no Aru Karen-chan - Ch. 165

    I'mma need another 4 angles and 5 different transitions, minimum.