So, since the dispel didn't work on the wolf, but it cured him, we can assume the spell was reflected and that his 'illness' was just a curse instead. Wonder who cursed him to begin with.
@Greatestwest Forgetting/Breaking her glasses has always been the gimmick of the manga, so we should just roll with it. That being said, while it's not unrealistic for someone who uses glasses to forget them (if you use them at all times, you may even think you are still wearing them before you...
Even though there's never going to be a romantic development in this series, Tsuda and Mori are clearly the superior ship. You may not like it, but it's the truth.
Loli and Majo are officially the best pairing of this manga, loved their interactions. On another note, is the common sense part exaggerated or is that really what passes as common sense in Japan?
I wonder how Iris will react when she discovers Dean's true identity. Probably badly, considering how distrustful Iris has been since the incident with the 2nd prince and since her father told her about possible threats to her live. She may think that the 1st prince just got close to her because...
Sometimes I wonder if authors only use popular settings like isekai to be able to sell the beginning of a story to a magazine and then, when they are more well established, write the story they really wanted to write, considering many of them dismiss the 'reincarnated' motiff pretty quickly.
Is it really wise to threaten someone you suspect is involved in the murder of students? Then again, every girl in his class is super conceited, so it shouldn't be a surprise.
I had seriously forgotten about that loan he took. In another note, Sasamoto finally reaches his breaking point after drowning on delusions forever and I can't wait for when this whole affair crashes all on top of him.
@alanala The beginning of this arc starts with a flashforward of MC talking about his plans going awry, with FMC injured on the floor, if I'm not mistaken.
Is there a rule that stops a member of a team from switching to another? Because if there isn't, there's a pretty big chance that people from the losing team will just switch to the blue team to scape from the punishment.