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  1. gomichandesu

    Who else here thinks "sniping" is a misnomer?

    @ScarletLouse Long winded rant response on my philosophies of scanslating, I haven't slept it about 15 hours so bare with me I might be a bit all over the place:
  2. gomichandesu

    Sweet Home

    Was nobody gonna tell me they made a Netflix tv series out of this? Or that it's actually pretty good?
  3. gomichandesu


    I could be talkin out my ass but I vaguely remember something like Safari doesn't play nice? Does it work on a different browser?
  4. gomichandesu

    Sensei wa Koi wo Oshierarenai - Ch. 32

    Yall I'm so sorry my offhand comment summoned the incels lol.
  5. gomichandesu

    Christmas 2020: Tripled Growth and the tale of the Temporary Ad

    @lordmage same, I was like "Oh. IOS only?" Suppose I could dig out the old Ipad that I normally use as an overpriced wall clock ever since I graduated. crApple bought out my college and forced me to buy it and then never use it lol. The things I'd be willing to do for you MD
  6. gomichandesu

    Christmas 2020: Tripled Growth and the tale of the Temporary Ad

    Lol wait, is the poll even serious? Because I feel like some people are taking it serious or I'm not taking it serious enough DUN DUN Also how exactly is MD getting the cash? If we click on the ad or do you only get that righteous ad bux if we actually download the app?
  7. gomichandesu

    Anata ga Shitekurenakute mo - Vol. 5 Ch. 33

    Idk I think what Nina's doing here is kind of a dick move. Like, I can totally appreciate being like "It's too late". But, if it is, then say that. Just fucking break it off already if you aren't going to accept or believe her attempts to resolve/fix things. She's doing all she can to make...
  8. gomichandesu

    Narikawari - Vol. 4 Ch. 35 - Transformation

    Lol damn, that's some fast death dick Or god comin in swift with the punishment for being a thot lol
  9. gomichandesu

    Who else here thinks "sniping" is a misnomer?

    @ScarletLouse lol no, not at all what I meant. Weak as in, can't share in the hobby and just rage quit when another group wants to upload their take on a chapter too. Someone else uploading before you doesn't mean you can't still upload yours. Theres really no issue having more than one group...
  10. gomichandesu

    Christmas 2020: Tripled Growth and the tale of the Temporary Ad

    @KingRift unless you're on mobile seems like you won't see it.
  11. gomichandesu

    Who else here thinks "sniping" is a misnomer?

    Yeah, as said I think the term comes from the fact weak groups will drop the series if someone even remotely takes a little bit of their thunder. Personally I think that's more of a dick move on that group's part than the "sniper". Usually makes me wonder if they ain't in it for patreon bucks or...
  12. gomichandesu

    Christmas 2020: Tripled Growth and the tale of the Temporary Ad

    How about I go bury a sack of gold coins in the woods and send yall the GPS coords as my donation
  13. gomichandesu

    Narikawari - Vol. 4 Ch. 34 - Fruition

    lmao what the actual fuck is the direction of this mango
  14. gomichandesu

    Sensei wa Koi wo Oshierarenai - Ch. 32

    Ah shit here we go again, thanks for the chapter <3 its time for the fluff manga that makes me feel so conflicted for liking because we all know damn well if the roles were reversed it'd be creepy lol
  15. gomichandesu

    Detective Conan - Vol. 100 Ch. 1066 - RUM

    lol It still blows me away when people think you can't share the hobby of scanslating a manga lol. Unless you got the explicit permission from Gosho himself, any group has just as much of a "right" to translate DC as another. Read whatever version you like best. Or read them both, like I do. I...
  16. gomichandesu

    Narikawari - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - An Impulse

    Girls too thirsty, makes her sus
  17. gomichandesu

    Miracle App Store - Ch. 7

    I somehow managed to double post on hmmm
  18. gomichandesu

    Miracle App Store - Ch. 7

    "What if the Miracle App Store didn't exist? It's terrible just imagining it" Yeah. It sure is bud.
  19. gomichandesu

    Music Tournament 3.5: Anime Endings! (Cut Versions)

    @bigtiddyoneesan you're dead to me I declare Kill me Baby the real winner since the vote was rigged. @lymus edit the results post to reflect the TRUE winner of this competition!
  20. gomichandesu

    What would you do? - Let strangers into your home.

    I like to consider myself a good person, but I don't trust like that lol. Language barrier might be a problem but at best if I was able to I'd just mime it out somehow to give them some money for a motel room or something. @Greenfrost I've always thought about what I'd do if someone came to...