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  1. E

    Yofukashi no Uta - Vol. 20 Ch. 199 - A Fascinating Tale. You Should Become a Writer.

    Kotoyama exclusively frames the characters in the story as mysteries to be explored. All the examples you cited incidentally demonstrate that, since they're about characters and not so much "the world" or "vampire biology/ontology". For example, when Kyouko introduces the concept of "vampire...
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    A Story About a Kouhai who Drank Too Much and a Clumsy Senpai - Oneshot

    I'm not sure how I'd feel if I had a girlfriend who's happily expecting for me to throw up when it seems I will. I'm not preliminarily disinclined to it, though.
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    FPS de Shoshinsha Bokotte Real Fight ni Hattenshita Kekka w - Vol. 3 Ch. 19

    The girl takes "fight me IRL" seriously-- she's not normal, either.
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    Furyou Idol-chan Bakutan - Ch. 8.6 - Still not porn Omake

    "And use condoms for God's sake" They're not anywhere far from friendly civilization-- they can get bottled water just fine without having to resort to emergency measures for storing water. You just know it's only a matter of time with Zurikishi. Sullieman's naming of these omake is ominous, too.
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    Uchuujin no Kakushigoto - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Hindrance

    Wait, is this recreated Karagaki even human?
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    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Ch. 37

    I was thinking more specifically-- as in, reversing the sexes so that the childhood friend (now male) would be convincing the heroine (also now male) to have the protagonist (female) have both of them for boyfriends since he's convinced that the current relationship isn't "real".
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    Furyou Idol-chan Bakutan - Ch. 8.5 - Non porn Omake

    I think they'll just cheer for anything.
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    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Ch. 37 would one even manage a setup like this with the sexes reversed? I'm not creative enough to figure out a way off-head.
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    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Ch. 36

    Polygamy is a dead end, not least of all for your wallet.
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    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Vol. 1 Ch. 34

    "Barnacles! What could be worse than one yandere?!" "Oh, I know!"
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    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Ch. 33

    He became a loner? He grew apart from her but they started rekindling their friendship? Their friendship isn't that involved in the first place? There's various ways to bridge the gap for something that doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme.
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    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Ch. 225

    In the next chapter... Takeda: "You're... family..." Futaba: "how even--" No. Make him understand.
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    That's My Atypical Girl - Vol. 10 Ch. 77 - Sex (Conclusion)

    Earlier: It doesn't have to be that you literally claimed it did. The point is that you effectively did, and you weren't even remotely correct about the verdict you chose to talk about. To begin with, you imposed an idea of "old-fashionedness" on an entirely different culture, solely...
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    My Student Grew Huge and Proposed to Me - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    I won't argue with you that we should view the actions differently because of sex, but I do want to share a thought that occurred to me. I've heard it frequently said that a man's value to women is in what he can achieve in terms of providence and protection, whereas a woman's value to men is...
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    That's My Atypical Girl - Vol. 10 Ch. 77 - Sex (Conclusion)

    What you've written is nonsense. You're better off actually reading the manga and discussing what's in it, instead of pointlessly interjecting with your stupid and irrelevant American culture war crap.
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    My Student Grew Huge and Proposed to Me - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    Chapter 3 reeks of male mangaka, or at least a woman very in touch with male desire. ...the fact that the mangaka's given name is "Shinichirou" all but confirms this is penned by a man, though.
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    Uchuujin no Kakushigoto - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Hindrance

    "Karagaki ga shinda!" "Kono hitodenashi!" "Now"?
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    My Student Grew Huge and Proposed to Me - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    He's not trying to "talk", he's trying to get married with her and probably have children. The fact that they're in different stations in life-- and that he's barely an adult-- certainly would pose difficulty, but it remains to be seen how that's overcome. One thing's for certain is that in age...
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    That's My Atypical Girl - Vol. 10 Ch. 77 - Sex (Conclusion)

    I don't want to spend more time on this detour than strictly necessary. Firstly, the Roe verdict was explicitly formulated with the intention of balancing the priority of "government interest in prenatal life" with the priority of "bodily autonomy". Not even the Roe verdict considered fetuses...
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    Uchuujin no Kakushigoto - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Hindrance

    I cannot stress this enough: but why Also, you'll struggle to convince me Haru didn't pull those reasons off an ASMR roleplay. Those answers are too perfect.