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  1. R


    Cain is sexy af and seeing as this is a one off underutilised 😳
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    Out - Vol. 15 Ch. 132

    Fly boys being amongst the strongest characters has been consistent so far...
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    Mahou? Sonna Koto Yori Kinniku da! - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - The Man Once Known As Great Reaper

    That fight wasn't bad at all it was quite brutal and unforgiving in fact and the main characters continue to warm my heart...this manga is a treat.
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    Gal Gohan - Vol. 7 Ch. 44 - The Okinawa Assault, Part 2!

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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 129

    @Noname13 That was a pretty odd looking tooth, looks more like a bloody brace or something. When this series gets its anime adaptation it should be more clear :)
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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 129

    @Noname13 do you know what it was that nikkaku spat out?
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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 129

    Nikkaku achieved sage mode just like jou-kun 😄 But on a serious note Kai is really a conniving piece of shit.
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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 128

    @ronri34 I'm sorry I lost track who are the three spies?
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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 126

    Hey kai sorry to interrupt your self-absorbed monologue but I'm pretty sure you and your boys are mentally insane if not flat out murderers. I remember what you and Yoshiki did to that kickboxer and I'm not buying that holier than thou picture Yoshiki is trying to paint for himself at all.
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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 125

    Jou-kuns a beast and rocks that jacket like a badass? I agree.
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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 125

    Is that the bottom half of Jou-kuns face in page one next to Yoshiki and Kai?
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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 124

    Well Taguchi are you just gonna sit and watch wtf D:< and anyone remember the *Splat* in chapter 119 before the fakeout in the next one? Pepperidge farms remembers.
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    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 123

    More please.
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    Out - Vol. 13 Ch. 119

    F*cking snakes I hope the 7th gen whoops all their disloyal assess.
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    Mato Seihei no Slave

    Damn it Japan this medium is always going to be looked down upon so long as you continue to fetishize things like slavery 😧
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    Out - Vol. 13 Ch. 118

    Good to see jou-kun excelled in his senjutsu training =_=.
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    Lol that could be it
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    Out - Vol. 13 Ch. 116

    Ah but now we have clarity that tanzawa was tight with jou-kun 👀
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    @hillerj that's not the only thing that's hard to keep track of...( Plot 😧 )
  20. R

    Out - Vol. 13 Ch. 117

    A flashback in a flashback...Somebody who actually knows what's going on in this manga pls explain...