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  1. N

    Kengan Omega

    I can't handle having to wait a week for another chapter, Jesus how is this so god damn good
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    Kengan Omega

    He get up at the count of 8, then 6, then 5...
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    Kengan Omega

    That god damned cliff hanger
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    Fire Force

    What the fuck happened in chapter 255? Author-San is going bazonkas and I love it
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    Kengan Omega

    Jesus fucking Christ, I wasn’t expecting this chapter 96
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    The Horizon

    Masterpiece confirmed
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    Mosquito War

    I feel like it’s a bit rushed story wise, sad that the author didn’t try to expend more on the lore and went full meme instead.
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    Souboutei Must be Destroyed

    @MisterSteak You’re absolutely not letting me down. I was just wondering. Take the time that you need, I’m not one to pressure someone who goes out of his way to translate manga, given how little rewarding it is. So I’m grateful if anything to be able to read it at any given point! Thanks...
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    Pumpkin Night

    The f@ck is going on with the translation? I highly doubt the characters speak like londonians fro the 19th century blimey. Feels like the translators took some liberty because between the “it’s a prank, bro”, the “blimey” and the “oingo boingo”, something not quite right.
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    Souboutei Must be Destroyed

    When is 217 getting out? The rates been out there for a while already if I’m not mistaken @MisterSteak
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    Pygmalion - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Someday...

    The same fate as dolly Kill Kill, but with a better ending