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  1. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 19 Ch. 76 - D4C Part 9

    We just saw Dio get brutally cut in half by a moving train and then Johnny reveals he has a bug bite fetish. This is why I love Jojo
  2. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 18 Ch. 70 - D4C Part 5

    @SneakyBaguette If you can kill Valentine before he moves to another dimension and gives his stand to a different Valentine, then Valentine will actually die.
  3. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7 - Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 17 Ch. 67 - D4C Part 2

    Ppl are commenting about the wolf and forgot about the wolf on the frozen Great Lakes that had the legs. That wolf was terrible too, Araki can't draw dogs
  4. Wayward9


    @Sturdy Hopefully he comes back because this is one of my favorite manga. He hasn't said anything about coming back, to my knowledge at least. Ik he's working on Real rn
  5. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 16 Ch. 60 - Both Sides Now Part 1

    @Tyrantlizard Just because some dinosaurs haven't been discovered yet doesn't mean Dio can't turn into them because they existed for millions of years before discovery. And this isn't Mormon Jesus, this Jesus came Jerusalem, just like in real life. His corpse was just moved to the US after his...
  6. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7 - Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 14 Ch. 55 - Qualifications for the Victor

    @Soundpieces Avdol was a main character and he didn't get a bullet straight through the head with his eye falling out, it only scraped him
  7. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 14 Ch. 52 - Wrecking Ball Part 2

    Rereading this and jeez, Araki really can't draw dogs. He can draw horses beautifully but really sucks at dogs
  8. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 13 Ch. 51 - Wrecking Ball Part 1

    I noticed Araki wrote Lake Superior when talking about Lake Huron. Also, I like how Magenta's like Gyro with the jokes, and Wekapipo is like Johnny with how serious he is
  9. Wayward9


    @Anish_Agarwal @Sturdy He didn't finish it, because he was super stressed out trying to meet deadlines, which is expected when you're churning out this much quality manga as quickly as he did. The fact that Kentaro Miura, a similar level of mangaka, even continues his manga still is insane...
  10. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 11 Ch. 44 - A Silent Way Part 5

    @daddyxlonglegs I called the art bad, not the writing. The writing is amazing, and the art was only bad at the beginning
  11. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 10 Ch. 41 - A Silent Way Part 2

    @TheGravyBoxer Koichi sucks. All he does is whine and get carried by everyone else
  12. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 9 Ch. 39 - Catch the Rainbow (On That Stormy Night) Part 2

    Why tf did Blackmore just sit there and let himself get hit by the steel ball even after seeing his raindrops evaporating?
  13. Wayward9

    Tokyo Ghoul - Vol. 12 Ch. 119 - Old Nine

    @LeannaCR I think I remember something about how the mother's body would automatically absorb the fetus thinking that it's food.
  14. Wayward9

    Tokyo Ghoul - Vol. 11 Ch. 105 - Me

    Why is no one commenting?
  15. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8 - JoJolion (Official Colored) - Vol. 5 Ch. 21 - Shakedown Road Part 4

    @Phone how exactly does this undo his character development at all? Because he tried to get the corpse to save someone he loved? Wtf?!? @Foxyloli Just because he's the best one doesn't make him the strongest one. If he gets randomly attacked, and can't see it coming, then he can't defend...
  16. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 22 Ch. 87 - Ball Breaker Part 5

    @capomista I’m guessing English isn’t your first language. I have no clue what you’re talking about and I’m not sure if it’s because of grammar or you just made an out of context comment.
  17. Wayward9

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7 - Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 14 Ch. 53 - Wrecking Ball Part 3

    @owlette I’m pretty sure it’s because Johnny is paraplegic and can’t move his legs or toenails. The only reason he did it before is the corpse part activated it for him to protect him, I assume.