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  1. organiczero

    Record of the War God - Ch. 79

    oh boy, he's smiling, this gonna be gud!
  2. organiczero

    The Undetectable Strongest Job: Rule Breaker

    my disappointment comes from the interior art looking no way close to the cover art...
  3. organiczero

    Reader - Ch. 109

    Man, seeing the devs realizing that the crap finally hit the fan is glorious xD
  4. organiczero

    The Dark Dragon King, Will Live a Slow Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    for a moment i thought Brook from one piece got a brother in dragon form...
  5. organiczero

    God of Cooking - Ch. 14

    ahh c'mon.... why the need for jealous girl drama... it was going so good so far....
  6. organiczero

    Demon Fist Daydreamer - Vol. 7 Ch. 44

    killing might not be necessary, but beating the crap out of them to the point they think thrice before running their mouths would leave me happy at least... i freaking hate this "hero of justice" trope. At least the one on Arifurieta got put in his place by the MC
  7. organiczero

    Jimi Joshi x Osekkai Danshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    She's not a landmine, shes the freaking minefield 😄
  8. organiczero

    FFF-Class Trashero - Vol. 2 Ch. 62

    Is it wrong to feel happy when Sieg gets completely REKT? Cus if it's wrong, i don't want to be right.
  9. organiczero

    Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? - Vol. 6 Ch. 36

    I'm starting to feel sorry for this guy... His only wish is to have a girlfriend who is "normal", but every single girl around him seems to have no control over their fetishes...
  10. organiczero


    ugh, here comes the meddlesome family member... i hate this kind so much...
  11. organiczero

    TABOO - Ch. 1 - Start

    @WhimsiCat, ok, thanks for the heads up nopping out now... 2020 had enough crap and i don't wanna add more to it
  12. organiczero

    A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom - Ch. 7

    interesting, ever since the begging the art tries to paint the other 2 daughters as ugly, but following their character development it feels completely the other way. To the point if this keeps going, any male character that ends up rejecting them will get a lot of hate.
  13. organiczero


    I think the only thing missing is some development for the other girls, because after she trashed their apology, it seemed that it finally clicked to the blonde girl what trashy person she was being
  14. organiczero

    Sweat and Soap - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Toward the Beginning

    ah comes the waterworks... 😭 This hit the feels a bit too close for comfort.
  15. organiczero

    The Clueless Transfer Student Is Assertive. - Vol. 5 Ch. 52

    freaking peasants can't understand the greatness of our feline overlords
  16. organiczero

    Botsuraku Yotei Nanode, Kajishokunin wo Mezasu

    Why the chapters with better quality got removed?
  17. organiczero

    Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - Who's your model

    "its a rule of mine to stay away from a fight i can't win" Yep, Nekomiya, she settled for you because she can't get something better, because if she could, she would be team Saotome 😆
  18. organiczero

    Demon's Worm Toxin - Oneshot

    i'm a bit disappointed that the demon didn't scream "DAMN THESE NORMIES!!!" 😄
  19. organiczero

    Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Hidden Magic

    "that means... i don't have to become some rich old man's second wife!" damn, for a kid having to worry about something like that its hit right in the feels...