Is very fun, the angel uses bible reference xD
I like the MC's faces xD
And that wasted of miracles xD, now think the transfer program, now a student will send at the heaven xD, because god doesnt lie, He will do it
She said, clothes are aliens and the original sin!!!!
The angel is cute, but sometimes I am thinking that she is his guardian angel or cupid
I dont see a romance between angel and Ren
Charm isnt effective
Master dependence
Suggestion (simple orders) is effective
Bloodsucking withdrawal symptoms (including death)
Crest glows with receive an order
Healing by order
Blood sucking addiction
Brainwashing/mind control (off by necklace)
Cant control her body
ANd in this...
Checking ... checking, yes it is =/
I dont understand why is more important a kiss what loss your freedom if you dont resist and broke your body if you resist =/