Thanks for the chap, good to see a series finished for once.
Missing the typeset on image 15 btw, not sure if that is intentional? The vertical split of the two girls
Thanks for the chapter, seems a bit more smoothed out than the previous ones.
However it looks like you forgot a fair bit of text when they are explaining the monsters in the different areas
Just spicing it up a bit by talking here @PiakuchuKiller and also there is the whole thing with your server being er, rather cultured?
Not so much a fine wine unfortunately, more like blue cheese, results in an acquired taste lol.
Thanks for the chapter, story seems like it could be good. Though if you could spare a bit more time to proofread it or something it would be highly appreciated, the broken English is a tad distracting at the moment.
Ok so firest of all; LOL
Secondly, I feel bad for Claude. Who the hell tries to feed someone an entire damn steak to you on the end of a chopstick?
Does she expect him to take it like a lolipop or something?
How is one supposed to deal with this situation?