...Why can't this whole chapter just be condensed into 3 pages?
No 2 never appears since it's already eradicated long before the story started I think.
It seems the axe ghost doesn't really have a way to detect other ghosts. In his intro chapter, he's just brute-forcing, as in axing the passengers one-by-one.
Boooo!! He didn't strip when treating that toad! Give me my fanservice aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >:V
I hope Kikoru Shinomiya (can't be bothered to remember her name) doesn't stick around. She's exuding immense amount of bitch energy.
I think Garron could've done better as a licensed traveling doctor...
I think Tina shouldn't mention Garron's name in a place so densely populated, someone might overhear.
Hmmm, slime boobies.
My fucking God I wanna kiss human Garron so bad aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangang;lakjdjfkklkagnajbfjd;jy9813y9hejndsq!$$?%%>?1dfas
Does he always strip whenever he's about to do treatment
I mean, I'm not complaining.
Huh, so Mikage is the one who came up with that test. Still a dick move on Garron for letting it slide.
"Demons like us"? Mikage's not human?
Yesterday I skimmed through the chapters from his introduction to current now. He hasn't been shirtless yet, or maybe I'm blind. I mean, I'd love to be proven wrong about this.
EDIT: typo