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    Henkyou no Roukishi - Bard Loen - Vol. 8 Ch. 52 - A Woman's Fight

    Im confused now... Is the Vodores family the one that Elsa and the queen consort belong to? Whats the family name of the princess that Doria serves?
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    Henkyou no Roukishi - Bard Loen - Vol. 8 Ch. 50 - Hotpot

    Hmmm, i wonder what part of his story were lies other than the milly. Does he actually have a sister?
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    Jii-san To Baa-san Wakagaeru - Vol. 4 Ch. 89 - Hidden Secret

    Awww, what a n adorable chapter❤
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    Henkyou no Roukishi: Bard Loen - Vol. 8 Ch. 48 - Honourable Hunt

    She really is ignorant as Bard said, but its understandable tho. I feel sorry for that poor bear, or Kijiel, he was just minding his business!
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    Jungle Juice - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Im really liking this a lot now!
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    Shimeji Simulation

    Wtf is wrong with you?
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    Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta ~Ibara no Dragon Road~ - Vol. 7 Ch. 36

    Thanks for another amazing chapter. This is like a game where he constantly meets new foes and has to level up to defeat the bosses.
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    Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta ~Ibara no Dragon Road~ - Vol. 7 Ch. 36

    Damn, thats a nice tidbit of information. Thanks!
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    The Viridescent Tiara - Vol. 2 Ch. 71

    Caught up now...
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    The Viridescent Tiara - Vol. 2 Ch. 67

    Jealousy is unbecoming of a man. Also a woman too
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    The Viridescent Tiara - Vol. 2 Ch. 63

    he's getting braver
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    The Viridescent Tiara - Vol. 2 Ch. 59

    LMAO, he loves to carry her too much
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    The Viridescent Tiara - Vol. 1 Ch. 50

    Nooo, those damn licenses! Im gonna miss your scanlation!
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    The Viridescent Tiara - Vol. 1 Ch. 36

    Invade and annex the marquis territory, behead and kill the marquis entire family and declare independence from the empire. Fuck that greedy emperor.
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    How to Fight - Vol. 2 Ch. 218

    This was a manhwa i truly enjoyed. It had its flaws and was kinda getting dragged out at the end but, it was still a phenomenonally enjoyable read and it will be sorely missed! At least it was a happy end, tho the shipping kinda ruined it a little bit for me, but still very good!
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    Yakuza Reincarnation - Vol. 11 Ch. 44 - Spiritism Festival

    Thank you Ryu for saying what we all thought about that so-called father, he's a cunt! And so is the grandmother. I wouldn't be sad if any of those two losers died horrifically this arc. Good riddance, i'd say!
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    Henkyou no Roukishi: Bard Loen - Vol. 7 Ch. 45 - Life or Death Struggle

    What a an amazing conclusion to this arc/fight. I wouldn't want to get hit by Gordons hammer, that gotta hurt, but it was satisfying to watch him swat them like flies. And, Bard is a true honorable knight through and through, even showing respect to his fallen enemies. Thanks for the chapter...