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  1. Archleone

    Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu

    Insane to have a first chapter with no actual vampire.
  2. Archleone

    Yashio to Mikumo

    Wow so that was a lie
  3. Archleone

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu.

    I'm not mad that it's a prank, I'm just mad it's so low-effort. If you weren't going to bother, why'd you inflict your laziness on the rest of us?
  4. Archleone

    My Wife Could Be a Magical Girl

    DAE think the guy is a real piece of shit?
  5. Archleone

    Yashio to Mikumo

    Absolutely no bleepin way! This hasn't been updated in years! Like a decade! So excited!
  6. Archleone

    The Coppersmith's Bride

    Two chapters in as many weeks? Is it christmas?
  7. Archleone

    The Coppersmith's Bride

    Worth the wait
  8. Archleone

    Hiru to Yoru no Oishii Jikan

    I can't believe you've done this.
  9. Archleone

    Maou no Musume wa Yasashi Sugiru!!

    This series continues to be the GOAT
  10. Archleone

    Dai Dark

    Dorohedoro was pretty good but this shit is :lit:
  11. Archleone

    Jingai-san no Yome

    Tag this romance you cowards
  12. Archleone

    A Story About A Gyaru Behind His Seat Who Keeps Touching His Back

    "And that's how I met your mother" God please, more of this
  13. Archleone

    Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo

    I was starting to lose the plot a bit especially with how powerful the side couple is, but damn. That's very good. Damn.
  14. Archleone

    Imouto no Tomodachi ga Nani Kangaeteru no ka Wakaranai

    I still like this series but whyyyyy this trope
  15. Archleone

    Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui

    chapter 18 legit made me cry
  16. Archleone

    Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo

    I'm super invested in this side romance which means im constantly disappointed
  17. Archleone

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied

    the chapters are doubling! 16 is next
  18. Archleone

    Tourigakari ni Wanpointo Adobaisu Shite Iku Taipu no Yankii - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    @shelliana thanks for the suggestion! after a few months of stretching I can get there with my right elbow over my left, but still not with my left elbow over my right. still got a long way to go!
  19. Archleone

    Tourigakari ni Wanpointo Adobaisu Shite Iku Taipu no Yankii - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    I tried to do that stretch but it doesn't seem possible - can't get my wrists to re-cross. DAE? Also, set sail SS Yankee X OL
  20. Archleone

    Buddha Cafe - Ch. 143 - Each Other

    While I don't think the author's being disrespectful it probably wouldn't have hurt to at least put a panel or two in dissociating from the usage of swastikas in nationalism. If you'll forgive a bland metaphor, it never hurts to put on a little protective wear when playing with fire (or a fiery...