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  1. nahui3

    Jii-san to Baa-san Wakagaeru

    There's nothing wrong with over-analyzing manga Change my mind
  2. nahui3

    Ijimeru Yabai Yatsu

    Is this a silent voice knockoff?
  3. nahui3

    Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu

    @LittleSisterLover check out Usagi Drop and UchiMusume my dude.
  4. nahui3

    Jim in the Gym

    Is this similar to tommy goes potty or is it more lice snape eats grapes?
  5. nahui3

    Sousei no Taiga - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - Revival

    That felt really short but thanks for another chapter!
  6. nahui3

    Kimi no Okaasan wo Boku ni Kudasai!

    Ara ara!
  7. nahui3

    Sousei no Taiga - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Strange Fight

    Thank for another chapter! It's getting really exciting!
  8. nahui3

    Sousei no Taiga - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - The Prey of the Wolf

    Looks like the MC is gonna go full Kamishiro Yuu next chapter
  9. nahui3

    Chiyo Kuno the Psychic - Vol. 2 Ch. 27.5

    I'd buy it if it has an English release, also based editor.
  10. nahui3

    An Indecent Manga From Before

    I want to fuck my dick???
  11. nahui3

    Asper Kanojo

    @firefox1234 maybe you should look for something that's not trashy harems, Isekai, or romcoms if you don't like them doofus.
  12. nahui3

    Sousei no Taiga - Vol. 3 Ch. 27 - Life

    Thanks for another chapter! So far I can't notice that this is machine translated, good job
  13. nahui3

    Sousei no Taiga - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Unexpected Encounter

    Thanks for translating!
  14. nahui3

    My Clueless First Friend - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

    @hiddentheory what the fuck?
  15. nahui3

    Itoshi no Ebi Senpai

  16. nahui3

    Jim in the Gym

    Lmao at this dude, reminds me of that "Empress Theresa" author. Also I was benching one plate in less than a month when I started working out, even if you started working out when you started sharting out these doodles you should have been past 1pl8 in squats long ago. But sure make excuses...
  17. nahui3

    Jim in the Gym

    Also you're weak as hell, can't even squat one plate. do you just pretend to work out at the gym?
  18. nahui3

    Jim in the Gym

    "support us on this comic" surely there isn't a team writing out this thing, I mean no offense but if you need more than one person to come up with these chapters it's a waste of calories and an insult to whatever living being you killed to stay alive.