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  1. A-tan

    Blue Period - Vol. 6 Ch. 25 - No Regrets

    MY BOY DID IT!!!!! AHHH And they keep teasing us with the Mori-senpai reunion haha Gosh, I hope they get married Thanks a lot for translating guys!!!
  2. A-tan

    Witch Hat Atelier - Vol. 8 Ch. 41

    @furopoi Is not only that, but also keep in mind the secret that magic comes from basically knowing how to properly draw the magic symbols with the ink, is not widely known/is strictly kept from anyone who isn't a witch. In a way, to people who don't know magic, you are either born with it or...
  3. A-tan

    Witch Hat Atelier - Vol. 8 Ch. 41

    Ahhh this chapter was so cute! The details, the hand holding..! Thanks so much for translating this 😭
  4. A-tan

    Asobi Asobase - Vol. 6 Ch. 55 - Brutal King

    So Maeda was right when he said girls were into weird orc shit lately. I guess Kasumi just has shit taste all around.
  5. A-tan

    Like A Butterfly - Ch. 44

    Fuck i cried. I didn't expect this chapter to get this real but oof
  6. A-tan

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 133

    Damn, this tanned guy is trash, uh. Just going out there trying to have his fun while making a good member of society lose his job. I'm glad Garou became a better and bigger person though, too bad he lost his job and that his boss didn't see the other guy break the truck. Hopefully he gets his...
  7. A-tan

    Golden Kamuy - Vol. 26 Ch. 256 - Tokushirou's Number One

    I have to admit that I really admire Ogata's drive to try and prove everyone is trash like him, and how he can't stand "pure people" as a result. The shot scene was insane, but so was most of this arc. Tsurumi is defintely another can of worms though, he is not exactly sane, so reading him is...
  8. A-tan

    Jisatsutou - Vol. 17 Ch. 168 - Island of Life

    Thanks for committing until the end, Death Toll! Maybe I'm on the minority but I found the ending horrifying. All their children (assuming they don't die due to childbirth complications) are going to grow up and be iliterate. I wonder If at one point they will realize their kid is missing out...
  9. A-tan

    Jisatsutou - Vol. 17 Ch. 167 - The sunset Kai saw

    I also felt Kai's monologue was kinda long, but I guess it makes sense he wouldn't just die in 5 seconds after getting pierced by an arrow. As readers we knew Kai was like, but now Sei also knows, and I guess that's why he is sad?? Because he understands he was a sad sack until the end? Also his...
  10. A-tan

    Asobi Asobase - Vol. 6 Ch. 54 - Cast With Magic

    Wtf was this chapter 😂 I feel Kasumi wasted ink in writting Aozora's name, since he already was interested in her anyways.
  11. A-tan

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 33 Ch. 133 - Sinners

    It just hit me but what happened to Zeke??? Is he trapped inside Eren's titan? Did he merge?? 🤔 Hopefully we find out soon.
  12. A-tan

    Asobi Asobase - Vol. 6 Ch. 53 - Lucyferman

    Cringe, the chapter. Kasumi keeps proving herself as the worst among the girls with this and not letting Olivia be free and have a normal social life 😂 Too bad Hanako's plan didn't work but now I'm curious If this will affect her classroom life.
  13. A-tan

    Golden Kamuy - Vol. 26 Ch. 255 - Sugimoto the Ripper

    Jack's death was brutal, damn. Also for being a cheap piece, Usami sure cornered Ogata. Granted he got nerfed and all, but still impressive. Thanks for the chapter guys!
  14. A-tan

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 33 Ch. 133 - Sinner

    @kassidy_ I never hated him lol I didn't love him, but I accepted the fact he was there. I agree though, Eren ended up being a really interesting character in the end. @tanukihat kek then they should use their newfound freedom to take him down eh?? Isn't it great the plot bends itself over...
  15. A-tan

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 132

    Fuck i dont remember Garou getting a job in a moving company lmao Good to see he is trying to just do his own thing after getting his ass handed by Saitama.
  16. A-tan

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 33 Ch. 133 - Sinner

    @tanukihat Thanks dude. I have a pretty good memory myself, but I haven't re-read the series to confirm those pieces of information. I did also think they were last minute asspulls, even If people want to claim Falco having weird "foreshadowing" dreams before as an enough justification for it...
  17. A-tan

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 33 Ch. 133 - Sinner

    Umm I don't know about the whole flying titan thing. I feel a lot of shit was going on for there to be a time to foreshadow it more properly (same for Annie's copy titan ability), so I'm kinda waiting for this to go in a funny way and for them to fuck up. Based Eren going "get the fuck outta...
  18. A-tan

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 131

    So Webigaza is gathering information from Child Emperor. I wonder If she is sided with he neo heroes and is up to some shady shit as well or nah. Metal bat is amazing tho.
  19. A-tan

    Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 10 Ch. 83 - Exit

    I feel so bad for the dad in all of this... I agree with most of the ppl commenting he is kind of trying to dodge the issue, but he is a child so I can understand where he is coming from.