@zh3tigerrr It will never happen, he knows that this world is survival of the fittest and he's accepted that he was just an ant that had no right to life if someone stronger than him came along. They're actually on decent terms with each other if you haven't noticed.
@A_r41 The problem with Beru is that he has problems stopping his killing instinct when a threat appears. However, anything that threatens Sung's sister is to be killed, no questions asked. So it's not a problem.
He just wants the strongest protecting her.
I love the kid. Him showing up and actually instigating some progress and recognition in the MC made me double back and actually read the chapter. I had been skimming chapters because of how meaningless some of them have been other than their good art.
Holy cow, I had to look it up, but a high yield dairy cow really does produce up to 12 metric tons of milk a year.
They can make 12,000 liters of milk over 10 months. Up to 60 liters in a single day.
@beefedupkronks I don't think you know that a wound to the heart would instantly drop your blood pressure way past the point of unconsciousness instantly.
I'm guessing that guy she killed was controlling the city by controlling the Undine?
I don't remember them explaining it, but I guess that's one of the issues with monthly manga.