It really sucks since the official translations are terribly slow and often hard to come by in the Netherlands. Europe's a terrible place to buy manga from. The delivery costs are often double the price of the actual manga itself...
Guess I'll have to go back to reading the raws itself then 🙃
Wait, did I just find the story I've been looking for all this time? I always wanted a story where instead of the end goal being together, it'd just be a part of their lives. An actual romance rather than a 300 chapter lead up to a confession...
@Chumbo I think in this context it probably shouldn't be read as "interesting" but more similar to either engaging or intriguing. What I believe it actually means is more along the lines of, would her death move your audience emotionally? Interesting seems to be a bit of a blunt term.
Okay if we're talking about the most comfortable animal to sleep with, it's gotta be another human right? Nothing beats our instinct to be together with other people after all
@Keetonman Yeah I doubt there'd be many people who wouldn't look like an asshole if their thoughts throughout the day were plain to see.
We think before we speak, but we choose what we want to say after that, if we all just said what came up first we'd all be fighting