@KiTA Lmfao, well im used to it already so it's not much a big deal for me anyways. Altough this dude is the same guy who sniped us on Fechippuru too lmfao
Guys here is the Arigatights manga i mentioned: https://mangadex.org/title/31818/arigatights
And our discord server if you wanna come and hang out with us :) https://discord.io/eidetic
OK guys so the author announced that he will start doing the new series tomorrow if he can, but the thing is that part got removed by the mods because i did a slight joke(Not racist, it was about me XD) so here is the threat for that: https://twitter.com/sasakisaki9646/status/1255512349936476160
@Lymus alrighty m8 but the thing is, this character was on the real manga tho. Hell it's the most popular character, and i legit had a lot of request for this page but respect the mods decision.
Mods this will be the last chapter i will upload for this manga, but please let this one stay because it has a Important Announcement at the end. Also i deleted the joke
@X3h0n Thank you so much for fixing them m8. The thing is i will try to fix it, but i'm outside at the moment. When i come back i will fix it.
Edit: I forgot that those pages were open in my photoshop in the bg, so i told my brother to fix it, and it seems like he did fixed it
@doctagon Idk about that manga m8. The group translating that is a big group since they do Komi-san, but we will try our best to revive more dead mangas. Also we kinda need more Japanese Translators and redrawers for that as well.
@kenrms That's the name of the thigs https://www.google.com/search?q=thigh+highs&safe=strict&sxsrf=ALeKk00LwILsLSpykNKpaCGt5cp2kBrxtA:1588169721687&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6o-qg6Y3pAhVPLK0KHfWLAg0Q_AUoAnoECA4QBA&biw=1360&bih=657