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  1. Purplelibraryguy

    Shiawase Kanako no Koroshiya Seikatsu - Vol. 2 Ch. 31

    @Tamerlane In this series you can tell when a man isn't an asshole because he doesn't die before the chapter's over. What I find amusing is that clearly for her, being a professional assassin with the cops breathing down your neck is much less stressful than her previous office job.
  2. Purplelibraryguy

    Neko no Otera no Chion-san - Vol. 7 Ch. 56 - Going in Circles, Grandma and Chion

    I dunno. I mean, I'm the villain to a few people, but that's because I'm an opinionated SOB. But I've known people who are much nicer than I am and who as far as I can tell really aren't the villain to much of anyone, and contrariwise are helpful to quite a few. So I dunno, it sounds...
  3. Purplelibraryguy

    Sensei wa Koi wo Oshierarenai - Vol. 6 Ch. 33

    One of them is missing a trick. When someone has strained their back, what they need is a nice back massage. (Raised eyebrows go here)
  4. Purplelibraryguy

    My New Wife Is Forcing Herself to Smile - Vol. 2 Ch. 22

    Good to see these two sweet dorks again.
  5. Purplelibraryguy

    Reader - Ch. 98

    Hey, someone figured it out before they were finished dying! "If I fight with this guy, I'll die!"
  6. Purplelibraryguy

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 136

    Metal Bat's spirit won't be beat by any lame ass sedation. I'm betting he'll escape and it'll be a big break in the neo heroes' shiny image, and a major forward step in the plot as some of the heroes who are kind of suspicious but can't put their finger on anything get a major confirmation.
  7. Purplelibraryguy

    Hakumei and Mikochi - Vol. 8 Ch. 58 - Boredom & Sleeping Twice

    I can't decide whether her little stubby legs are incredibly freaking cute, or kind of creepy because no real feet.
  8. Purplelibraryguy

    Suito-to! - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Flower Bread Party

    I'm more of a croque monsieur man than croque madame.
  9. Purplelibraryguy

    Wake Ari na Kanojo-tachi - Ch. 17 - Time For the Girl's Decision

    Wow. That's not some half-hearted complication, that's serious whack the fans upside the head stuff. I find it a bit gratuitous, really. But taking it seriously, I'd have to say that although I tend to be a "love conquers all" kind of guy, not letting one's whole mythical race die is an...
  10. Purplelibraryguy

    Timid Palette - Ch. 54

    So . . . Choi Jia changed her number so these creeps couldn't creep on her, I'm thinking, and may not have shown just to avoid letting them pick up her trail. And last time around they nearly killed the club, that seems clear.
  11. Purplelibraryguy

    Sweet Bitter - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    Sure they did.
  12. Purplelibraryguy

    Kami eshi JK to OL fujoshi - Vol. 3 Ch. 12.5 - Wh... What a naughty goddess...

    Wut?! She's your girlfriend, you're supposed to rely on her.
  13. Purplelibraryguy

    One-Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 135

    @HDMI1 Garou never monsterized as such. I'm pretty sure of that--there have been quite a few bad guys who did, already tough people who were offered and took those globs of weird meat to eat, thought it made them so flipping special but then got owned by Atomic Samurai or Speed-of-Sound Sonic...
  14. Purplelibraryguy

    Futari Ashita mo Sorenari ni - Vol. 5 Ch. 77 - Happy Birthday

    Yeah, they'll keep doing the same stuff until they're old. I'm 55, my wife is 70, we went to the bakery today, grabbed some stuff and then went for a mild hike, had the bakery stuff and a thermos of hot cocoa (with booze in) while sitting in the sun. We do this stuff all the time; we're not...
  15. Purplelibraryguy

    Six Half - Vol. 10 Ch. 40

    What I'm hoping is that this is where the whole house of dysfunctional cards comes down: They go find Ma-chan, she tells them what's up with horrible mom, A-chan doesn't hand over the money (he said he would over the phone but it's not clear that he actually has yet, and saying over the phone a...
  16. Purplelibraryguy

    Six Half - Vol. 10 Ch. 40

    A-chan is an idiot. He's so selfless he's screwing everyone up. He's making his decisions based on penance for guilt for things he didn't do and events that weren't his fault, and he's letting his self-negating agenda blind him to things that will hurt the people he thinks he's trying to help...
  17. Purplelibraryguy

    Reader - Ch. 89

    You don't tell the guy cost is no object! Way to have the price triple, dude.
  18. Purplelibraryguy

    Wake Ari na Kanojo-tachi - Ch. 15 - Her and Her, And Then...

    Looks kinda big and healthy--bet he's her brother.
  19. Purplelibraryguy

    Mistake - Ch. 12

    @Winderlies Good advice. Think I'll take it. Following this was a . . . Mistake.
  20. Purplelibraryguy

    Will You Marry Me Again If You Are Reborn? - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Dear My Loved Ones, Farewell

    @SerpensR You'd be a lot more convincingly above it all if you hadn't just whipped out your dick to measure by posting about it.