@Soseki can I ask for the clean page 6 ? PLEEEEEEEASE? Your redrawer's work should not be wasted *____________*
@everyone oh you guys gonna love when he
Look, you do you, but is it really necessary to go after a series another group is already translating? Id rather have an extra manhwa to read than having two scanlators doing the same one.
Page 19: long legs LMAO
He probably already have that much money, considering the dragon's treasures and their bodies. Dont tell me the author just gave him a ton of stuff and will ignore that it ever happened -.-'
Also does anyone have the source for the credit pages images?
Look, at least the dude is honest. Even if hes a perv hes not going to force anyone, and also each girl is a quest by itself and not a bunch of thots that get wet just from looking at him the first time (more than you can say from other harem isekais out there).
Imagine deleting a high level character instead of making a smurf, smh
"healers are useless"
"archers are useless"
"blacksmiths are useless"
"summoners are useless"
FFS, stop it.