That gif of Fern eating a borgar is just the thing that I need. Many thanks.
Still, this is one hell a dumbass way to test someone’s skills.
Yeah, man. “White powder of happiness” sounds just like the good stuff that I need to snort on.
Now, where’s my daily fix of the “happiness powder”? Wheeee…
@Airik96 Really? To me, Gyari is just brash, definitely not cool in the slightest. I was very confused, as to why the crowd was so enamored with her.
Kuromu and chad Irumi, in other hand… Hoo boy, cute, cool, AND sexy.
“I’m a guy who just good at internal affairs”
Are you fucking kidding me? I’d take a prime minister candidate than warriors any day. Someone competent that can manage a country and organize an army, is a lot more valuable than a battalion of disorganized army.
@Bobbob Daddy in the East is a veteran, highly-decorated wingman afterall. We can always count on him.
Do either one of them have a rubber? Eh. I have the feeling they won’t be needing it.
@ jslblaze
Don’t tell me… unprotected hand holding? Dammit, youth these days. Don’t they carry some...