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  1. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 5 Ch. 42 - Z=42: The Story of Millennia

    hmm soo people in space were save.. so it does leave still the same questions
  2. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 5 Ch. 40 - Z=40: The Fruits of 2,000,000 Years

    well still it needs to be an illness that can be cured with just that ...
  3. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 5 Ch. 39 - Z=39: And the Winner is

    all villagers are suprised the readers not so much
  4. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 5 Ch. 36 - Z=36: Kinrou and Ginrou

    yeah surely he won after declaring he lost... attacking and everoyne is fine with it
  5. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 5 Ch. 35 - Z=35: The Masked Warrior

    i would also say he looked realy cool
  6. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - Z=33: Crazy Chemicals

    since she was born in this world how would she know? maybe one of her storys are about him ?
  7. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - Z=27: One Scientist's Dream

    nooo not melon boy/girl
  8. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 4 Ch. 26 - Z=26: A Shallow Alliance

    i wonder if this is product placement ^^ but still who attacked him
  9. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 3 Ch. 24 - Z=24: Lightning Speed!!!

    as modern human i can totaly understand it, eletricity is as important as water
  10. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - Z=23: The Silver-Tongued Man

    the villagers dont seem to question the whole out of stone thing i wonder what they truly know about the old world
  11. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Z=20: Stone Road

    ... oh boy, yes it is normal that the north star moves , 2000 years ago they had a different one as we have now ... and i am sure in 3000 years it will be the next one
  12. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - Z=18: Sorcery Duel

    ha i finish you off with basic math ... oh no
  13. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - Z=16: Kohaku

    always intressting to see how someone uses his wits to its fullest
  14. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Z=14: What You Believe In

    i am suprised they didnt go the line of ... for me the acid took long time if i use alcohol as catalyst it should go faster or so
  15. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Z=13: Stone World the Beginning

    the monkeys are now speaking japanese ^^
  16. Rukja

    Doll-Kara - Vol. 5 Ch. 26

    thanks for picking up also ... doest it even count as a win?
  17. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Eine Wissenschaftliche Waffe

    oh das letzte deutsche kapitel vielen dank fürs übersetzen
  18. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Senku vs Tsukasa

    hmm die rolle von yuzurihha ist wirklich problematisch am anfang haben die drei jungen sich jeder eine rolle gegeben, sie sich selbst aber nie.. ich hoffe das sie nicht ewig ein mc guffin bleibt
  19. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    der typ brauch nur eine schnittwunde oder einmal blöd stolpern und schon wars mit der gefährlichste und so
  20. Rukja

    Dr. Stone - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Die reinweiße Muschel

    nicht so überraschend das der kämpfer nicht so gut harmoniert aber ja die fähigkeit badass kleidung herzustellen scheint ihm angeboren