Ar and Char have much bigger boobs than it appeared at first glance (in fact Ar is huge). And that's about all they have going for them as characters, really. Other than accidental roofie, nothing really bad about them - or especially good about them, they're just kind of there to fill out the...
I'm sure Ai-chan's done it lots of time, she's even said they've done this or that, and she surely got railed after that one chapter when they were listening in on the neighbors.
But she's also the type who wouldn't admit it like that.
@NamelessSoldier they hated her guts on a personal level. You are correct that that wasn't the reason they executed her, their personal hatred for her made it easier to pass the sentence.
Cool, time to get rid of arguably a worse threat than the rock dragon.
Also, if he manages to ever get some kind of human form or is otherwise able to live and communicate with Milia, he definitely would've earned it.
@no168_92 I figure he's trying to lay low and would rather not draw attention to himself if either someone else can deal with the bear or it stays far away from civilization.