im just sad it wasnt a yet another boy in extremly small shorts, at least that would have been a funny constant in this series.
also, heroes of the storm is dead lmao
the last few pages were great, but honestly if i have to endure more softcore porn for stuff like that might as well go to a hentai site, at least they blend the porn and the comedy better
that cover and those tags are a lie, i expected something funny, maybe fluffy, and here i am reading softcore porn, do i need to sacrifice a goat to satan to get gay characters that dont have the libido of a couple of bunnies?
What the fuck, i expected heavy shit, but not this out of nowhere, for nearly no reason and just to get us to sympathise with a character, thats cheap, i was ok with everything up until now.
this is turning more and more into needless drama by the minute
@definitionofinsanity honestly? i like the red egg guy, i like his arc, but having both at the same time makes both stories painfully slow, specially since fukatsu's story has so much fucking filler