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  1. Thrembs

    A Princely Girlfriend’s Bad Habits - Ch. 9

    How this comment section got a wilder curve towards upsetting than the manga?
  2. Thrembs

    Heaven Official's Blessing - Ch. 91 - Bloodied Gilded Feast

    Dang it. now I have to go find a means of reading it. and I mean at a reasonable pace.
  3. Thrembs

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 12 Ch. 106 - Demonic Tactics

    Not many manga main characters that are pudgy. Lots of thin and/or fit. A very few notably fat, but sometimes that’s their advantage in some way. (Maybe I’m remembering something that doesn’t exist. I’m very tired and my mind is going due to age. I know there has to be a couple.) “Has a snacking...
  4. Thrembs

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 11 Ch. 90 - Sabbath

    Shomer fucking Shabbos…
  5. Thrembs

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 41 Ch. 362 - Only I know

    I’m not disagreeing with any of this. I have seen almost all of this in other manga before. but I just never see all of these things in one place and to this level this consistently. Usually they’ll start with Solomon’s ring and then go into Christian-style demons and/or yokai. Lots of Latin...
  6. Thrembs

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 41 Ch. 362 - Only I know

    eeeeh… the kibbutz thing was super a joke. HOWEVER. people without a land (go to a land without a people, but this one is actually unpopulated) Are known for one set of skills Are exploited and oppressed by those in whose land they work (goy/gentile means “citizen”. Everyone else is a citizen...
  7. Thrembs

    The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Ch. 100 - Feeling Insecure

    DA ANGST! You have to mess up and not know until you learn. And for gay girls that happens about a week and a half into dating, which is when they realise they’re dating.
  8. Thrembs

    Until I Become Me - Ch. 65

    Tip that I would obviously only give to adult Japanese people: go to Western sites. and “I have boobs... Boobs… My boobs rule. Because they’re boobs.” Is a mood.
  9. Thrembs

    Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - Ch. 86

    Good chapter, good translation, good if you to post it. there’s one thing that got lost not would have been super awkward sounding if you crammed it in, if possible. I would need another pot of coffee and 2 hours. ”even if it’s me” ”no, because it’s you” I can’t fit that into the exchange...
  10. Thrembs

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun: Kalego Gaiden - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Kalego Side Story: Part 1

    Wait, Kalego is an alpha femboy? Huh. This manga is interesting. Why would Kalego wear a skirt and mantle? Because fuck you. I want us to never find out any more than “he was willing to put up with a lot of crap to keep wearing this outfit.” Like, Opera is ambivalent towards their gender...
  11. Thrembs

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 39 Ch. 348.5

    Open-back Audio Technica. Not bad.
  12. Thrembs

    Slow Morning - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    Ummm… I think you’re misunderstanding my question, the reason for it, and the tone. I’m not a man, and do not even find men attractive, so I wanted to know if getting rough with your partner was a thing considered forgivable in such relationships. I’m a 42 year old, married woman with an 11yo...
  13. Thrembs

    Slow Morning - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

  14. Thrembs

    Slow Morning - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    PLEEEEEEAAAAASE tell me shit like this is unusual and absolutely unacceptable in mlm relationships. That’s assault and/or battery in America, even outside partners, and DV an additional offence on top here.
  15. Thrembs

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 41 Ch. 362 - Only I know

    So now the kibbutz… THIS time I’m joking, but this whole arc is so blatantly Jewy and naïvely Zionist. I’m not shocked that the author has read about us (the choice of alphabet and numerals and random things just plain written in Hebrew in places tells me that she done research on us at the...
  16. Thrembs

    A Princely Girlfriend’s Bad Habits - Ch. 9

    It’s too late. You have joined the dark side of fiction. Soon you’ll be watching German horror movies and series. Reading Russian literature. Playing Drakengard!
  17. Thrembs

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - The Misfits

    Yod lookin like a shin
  18. Thrembs

    A Princely Girlfriend’s Bad Habits - Ch. 9

    He deserves better than his entire lot in life. I have many things I could say, but it’s full of spoilers and so much happens in the next 7 chapters (and even the naughty, naughty flash-forward side story has some stuff that has me feel for the kid)