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    Yankee-kun to Hakujou Gaaru - Vol. 4 Ch. 60 - Love And Friendship ②

    @Neushaartje It does, but it's just one part out of many within the logos of love.
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    Ichizu Bitch-chan (Pre-Serialization) - Ch. 5 - The story of worrying about my flirtatious kouhai.

    @TroubleFait She should learn how to be alone, lest she become codependent in her relationships and simply act as a leech to others. She needs to learn how to be content with her own company. To be alone without feeling lonely.
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    The Horizon - Vol. 3 Ch. 21

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    ●REC - Oneshot

    It's a hot day at the end, and she's seen in a winter uniform. It's only in his imagination.
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    Desire for a Reply!

    Dr. JBP would smile upon this manga.
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    Ichizu Bitch-chan (Pre-Serialization) - Ch. 5 - The story of worrying about my flirtatious kouhai.

    If you can't handle being alone, then you have no business being in a relationship.
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    Shi ni Itaru Yamai

    I wish that it actually covered Søren Kierkegaard's philosophy more in-depth. It only refers to the first pages of "The Sickness Unto Death." SK's insight into despair, anxiety, and dread is greatly enlightening.
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    To Your Eternity - Vol. 9 Ch. 80 - An Enemy Without End

    Live is for living. In living, in experiencing life, we find worth and meaning in it. It's not something that can be passed down like conventional knowledge, for it is fundamentally tied to the experience thereof. In other words, life's meaning is a subjective truth that must be found by and for...
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    To Your Eternity - Vol. 6 Ch. 53 - The Third Sunrise

    If I was to ever have a reason to live a long life, it would be to outlive those who would mourn my passing.