Not dropped just yet. I'm back from hiatus (coincidentally, I swear) and expect to finish the next chapter by the end of this week with the volume extras soon to follow. The future after that is uncertain, but I can guarantee that much!
Oops, good catch. I think you're right, the original is "...ポルターガイスト起こして目覚ましを鳴らした..." - something like "...[rouse/raise] a poltergeist to ring her alarm clock..." makes more sense.
Looking for someone who might be interested in translating Umisora Kaze ni Hana (うみそらかぜに花) by Ohishi Masaru! If you're into cute whimsical upbeat slice-of-lifey romancey-comedies with superb detailed art and busy layouts full of FX this series might interest you - I've scanned and cleaned the...
The middle school girl Kaoru supposedly had a sleepover with is referred to as "some woman" by (elementary schooler) Kanna in kind of a jealous romantic way.
Oops, that "hundreds of years" was actually referring to the length of Dara's stay in the remote wilderness before she found her current (and obviously built much more recently) swallowed-up place of residence! Fix'd.