Smell fetish isn't so bad but anytime drugs get used that girl becomes instant trash in my eyes. Masochist seems like the best choice then the fujo I guess.
Certainly not what I was expecting from the shadow world, nor what I wanted for that matter but whatevs. I'm guessing the reward for doing the hidden quest will be an even more powerful mana increasing artifact or something.
Normally I'd guess that some super strong enemy attacks during the finals and he'd wipe the floor with them but I can't imagine anyone stronger than the dragon family suddenly appearing.
@psgokhan nah, knowing Hasuki she'll clear up the misunderstanding. Though it would be nice if she was the one that returned his memories rather than Persia.
Nice, got uploaded as I was reading the last chapter. Was surprised when i hit next and got another chapter rather than the comment section. If you think about it, isn't it kind of a big deal that the princess willingly drank coffee made by a Touwan.
So I'm guessing horse elf is the big boss, he'll follow the defeated A rank all the way to the MC and get rekt. MC will come out of the gate just in time to interrupt the fight.
Noooooo, didn't realise I was on the last chapter of the batch upload until I hit next and got brought back to the chapter list :( Got too caught up in it.
Inb4 she's actually a huge fangirl of Leo. I thought Fooly had gone off to find and heal her of an injury he happened to notice or something but nope, just taking a dump.