I love how they are slowly becoming true friends, they spend all day together, they play chess together, they tease each other! I love it! (also, I love Pauliana in that armor, those thigh high boots? with the cinched waist? ugh love that for us)
So basically his mom is coming and our sweet Duchess is gonna impress her pseudo mother in law with her skills! In other news, CALE! My dude! Don't cockblock them! Just let them figure out that they now are into each other!
I know stories and i know their tropes, i'm betting that the necklace is either fake or doesn't work on her. Izana is shocked TM that her first impression is that and that she isn't scared of him. When is she gonna dump Kiki, tho?
BOND! What a great name, I love it, I can't wait for Anya to tell Sy-con (lol, shes dumb but well meaning) her dogs name! And I love that they love their family a lot, just let them be happy.
I love a mother daughter duo that schemes together lol, this story is very interesting, there is a very clear divide between the biological family and the step family, Kain and Mielle hate them, and actively worked to undermine and hurt them, the father himself seems to both want to play happy...
On the one hand I want all the knights to see Pauliana's shredded body and swoon, on the other I want them to take her seriously and accept her for herself as a knight and not because she's a woman. Also, Pauliana is hilarious. She's perfect.
really wish they'd be gay and her new dads, but since it's nor marked as such this means she's gonna end up with one of them (which like, she is being raised by them how is that not weird but whatever)
oh we gonna get so many interactions between them, this is gonna be good. (also, if our king only realizes his feelings after he conquers the whole continent we can expect some slow as fuck progress or very deep in denial idiots in love, either way im here for it)
The thing with Luze almost felt like a spell, how she instantly was like a different person. And our darling princess is either joining the hunt itself or gonna be bored out of her mind waiting for people to gift her their prey.
Sometimes I forget that Anya is just a kid who can read minds, she can read the mind of a precog dog but doesn’t know how to read a clock or draw a good bomb. (Pineapple indeed)
Also, please don’t kill the other dog!