@SoMaKa honestly man..... at this point im okay with either any of them to going out with our MC..... i just want everyone to be happy, hell I´m even fine with the harem route too
@Sekiryuutei134 keep the great work, thanks for picking it up.... you really shouldn´t listen to the rating and views.... in another site this had over 1 million veiws compared to this one.... you should read what you like and not listen to what otherss say
@Kouhakuho in the second page when she says ¨but ... you look not good¨ is weird another way of saying it is ¨But.... you don´t look so good¨ or you don´t look so well.
@Jaylcs same this give off some ¨1Million studios¨ vibes, check them out on youtube... there basically the live action version lol
@Rdrop Honestly this manga art style is very unique if you ask me