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  1. Alyseb630

    Sasaki to Miyano - Vol. 6 Ch. 32

    Awww their so gosh darn cute.
  2. Alyseb630

    This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 2 Ch. 66

    Congrats Gracie! Aw poor Canaria having such awful dreams. I hope nothing bad happens. What an adorable dork Cesar is. Pfffft! Ethan in a dress! He looks so pretty but also pissed off. Thank you for translating this!
  3. Alyseb630

    The Goddess of Healing - Ch. 12 - Private Discussion in the Bamboo Forest

    1. Heal the father myself of course! Thanks for translating this.
  4. Alyseb630

    I Woke Up 20 Years Later! - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    Cuuute! And ooo that prince pisses me off! Placing the blame on her when he’s in jail because of his mistakes.
  5. Alyseb630

    Sasaki and Miyano - Vol. 6 Ch. 31

    Finally his confession!!! And they kissed!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!
  6. Alyseb630

    Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7.2

    I’m so bummed. This is the third gyaru manga I’ve picked up that turned into a harem manga. This sucks. Why does this keep happening? Fuyuki is so cute too. And for the people saying this has a harem tag what did you expect. I read this when it was just chapter 0 and there was no harem tags at...
  7. Alyseb630

    The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion - Ch. 121

    Their so cute together! So glad Raeliana is finally telling him what happened. I love how happy he was that she was jealous and how angry he got at her injuries. Gosh that scene with past Raeliana and that scumbag gave me chills! Wow we’re already at the end of season 3?! Time sure flies by...
  8. Alyseb630

    The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - Ch. 50

    So proud of her for standing up for herself! She was so cool! Thanks for the great advice mr knight! Aww Konrad and Leslie are so cute together!!!!! I ship them so much now! Thank you for the new chapters!
  9. Alyseb630

    April Fool's Collection 2020 - Ch. 9 - The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass

    Pfffft the butts! 🤣 Thanks for the laughs.
  10. Alyseb630

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    So glad her first tea party went well! And gosh those are pretty handkerchiefs. Thank you for translating and posting this chapter. I’m really enjoying this story.
  11. Alyseb630

    A False Confession - Ch. 35

    Oh thank goodness he’s okay! And wow she healed everyone?! So cool!
  12. Alyseb630

    The Emperor's Companion - Ch. 40

    Thank you for so many new chapters!
  13. Alyseb630

    April Fool's Collection 2020 - Ch. 121 - (The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion )

    Hahaha! That surprised me so much! “Can you try to keep it in your pants” 🤣 Happy April Fools day!
  14. Alyseb630

    My Life as an Internet Novel - Ch. 47

    Hehe their all such dorks. Thank you for translating this. I’ve missed these kids.
  15. Alyseb630

    April Fool's Collection 2020 - Ch. 7 - Rivalry (Villainous Princess )

    Those eyes!!!! Hahahahaha! 🤣 Happy April Fools day everyone.
  16. Alyseb630

    The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Ooo she's so pretty! I hope she can get a happy ending. Aw the part where she cried got me right in the feels.
  17. Alyseb630

    The Youngest Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 20

    I’m glad she’s got him on her side. It’ll be great having someone like him teaching her magic! Thank you again for translating and posting so many chapters!
  18. Alyseb630

    The Youngest Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 19

    She’s so cute and smooth! I love how much the brother love her. It’s so adorable. Daddy backstory time! Aw that was sad. I’m glad he has her now.
  19. Alyseb630

    The Youngest Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 18

    Haha! Her fake crying and hitting her dad was funny. It didn’t work but his expression was worth it. Finally her mana has been revealed! And oooo that was such a cool move! Time magic! But shit it made her have internal bleeding! Hope she’s okay! 😱🙏🏻
  20. Alyseb630

    The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 36

    So badass! I hope they can help the white haired guy to a new life.